This probably isn't an AHA! tip for you, you may have been doing this all along. But I was so proud of coming up with it for my own kitchen I have to share. Usually I cut up a pineapple and keep the chunks in a container in the fridge. At times some of the fruit hasn't been used as quickly as it should and I've lost a portion. That's aggravating, given the prices we have to pay for good produce.
So last week, while in a hurry to get things cleaned up around the sink, I simply sliced off the top and bottom of the current pineapple, cut off a 1"-thick slice for my smoothie, then put the remaining chunk, unpeeled, on a saucer and covered it with a plastic veg bag and popped into the fridge. As the week progressed, I noticed the pineapple was staying fresher, no discoloration. Each time I whacked off a slice, it appeared as nice and tasted as nice as that first slice!
My tip of the day: don't peel that pineapple!
Until you are ready to use a slice; then the peel cuts off the slice easily and quickly. Wah-lah! No more pineapple wrestling!
Here's a YouTube clip to enjoy, of Anand Wells making a green smoothie using dragon fruit - which I'm going to have to look for now. Anand is an Aussie, and this was an Australian show, so have fun with the accent!
FYI, Anand started the Green Smoothie challenge, which is really a fun way to start your adventure with GS. Check it out:
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